Friday, April 29, 2011


Sometimes things work out better than you think.  The work I had thought would take 3 days to do ended up taking 1!  I put on first and second coats of varnish on all the woodwork except the rub rail that goes around the perimeter of the boat, I put on the first coat of anti-fouling paint, and I slapped some primer in the bottom of the cockpit.  Things are shaping up quickly. 
She looks a lot classier with red below the waterline; it adds a nice contrast to the green.  At the rate things are going I may be ready by the 9th without any extra work.  We'll see, I still don't want to rush things, but if I can sail her at all in May I will. 
Rain was a threat throughout the day.  Just as I was about to finish with the varnish I felt a drop on my forehead.  Luckily it held off.  As I was part way done with the anti-fouling paint I felt another two drops on my arm.  Again fate was on my side; it waited right up until I left for the day to start raining, and by then it had all dried pretty well.
I'll put up some pictures of my progress.  My worry is that everyone that sees the boat in real life will only see the "after" shots, and I will be the only one who truly appreciates the amount of work put into her and how much better the boat is now.  But I guess that's the way it is.  I'll let everyone see her at her best.

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