Yesterday it was light air again for the second Tuesday in a row. Getting out of the harbor was pretty hairy. In fact this whole ordeal with low wind speeds has taken quite the toll on my confidence as an engine less sailor. I pushed the boat out and by the time I hopped on she had flipped backwards and was trying to drift in between two docked boats. I got her turned sideways, but then she kept drifting. A guy came over to help push off. No damage done I don't think, but I'd be mad if someone had bumped into my boat. I'm starting to think that if there isn't a lot of wind, or at least a discernible direction of wind that I just won't go out. After I got out of the harbor I was moving along at a slow walking pace. It was a fun day still. I had my brother, Liam, out on the boat. We went snorkeling, and practiced diving through the transparent water down to the anchor. I can hold my breath for about 2 minutes in a hot tub, but only about 20 seconds in the lake. I don't know what they temperature difference does to me, but it's annoying.
We entertained two families from church and had a grand ole' time just ghosting about. I'm planning on heading across Lake Michigan in two weeks with whatever crew I can scare up. I should be getting my new compass, GPS, anchor, sail cover, and hammock this week. If only I could get my electrical system working, or a wind vane autopilot. It would be nice to have one, but they're super expensive. If you want to get me one for Christmas I won't complain!
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