Friday, September 2, 2011

A solid week

This week started out with the fiasco of Sunday sailing, followed by the trepidation of Tuesday which ended up being a perfect day, then on Wednesday I wanted to go sailing with Dani in the morning, but we never got together in time and I had to head off to work.  I text messaged her a few times throughout the day, and was delighted when she called me close to quitting time and informed me that she was in my neighborhood.  At first she said that she was in my Cul-de-sac which I thought was a bit odd.  Then it clicked that she was in the marina.  She had been visiting on the Sea Scout’s Merit 25 and had me come down to say hi.  I couldn’t very well ignore her since I live down there.  As I was nearing the harbor she also invited me to join them on a night sail that they had been “roped in to”.  I’m not so sure it would have taken too much convincing to get her to go sailing.  We turned on the running lights, I fired up the motor, and we had a lovely evening sailing under just jib. The wind was quite fresh and we were heeled nicely.  It was awesome to be able to look up and see the Milky Way over the pitch black waters.

The next day I didn’t sail at all, but Friday I went with my brother, Max, and his girlfriend.  She got sea sick with the 3-4 foot waves.  I felt bad, but we had a great time sailing from 6:30 till sunset.  On Friday I spend $70.00 on an antique outboard motor for the dinghy.  It started right up when I bought it, then I slapped it on the dinghy and didn’t bother with it because I had more guests joining me for the evening.  My brother, sister, and a few friends came along for another breezy sail.  The waves were about the biggest I’ve sailed in, and Aequitas handled it all with ease.

On Sunday after church I went down to try and start the motor.  It was a bit disconcerting when it began to spray gasoline everywhere.  It took a couple tries, but I got her cranked up and was able to motor about 3 meters away from my dock before the engine died.  I had forgotten to bring the oars with me and so I was reduced to hand paddling it back to the dock.  Luckily the wind was in my favor.  My siblings and mom came down for a Sunday afternoon sail.  It was glorious.  The wind was fresh, the seas were exciting.  My mom got a bit seasick, as did my brother, Liam, but after an hour or so all the kids just went below and took turns taking naps.  It was peaceful.  We sailed easily on a broad reach out east and down south, but were hard pressed pinching up into the wind to make it home in a timely manner. 

Tomorrow I should be picking up an old Jeep Cherokee so I can finally have my own car, I can tow my grandma’s little dinghy boat, and I can go off-roading.  Wish me luck.

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